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31 May 2021
Seminar - "Capacity building for business institutions"

INNOTOURCLUST hosts a Capacity Building seminar dedicated to local trade associations and institutions in Puglia, Molise, Albania, and Montenegro. This seminar aims to enhance the ability of business institutions to support their member companies in facing the fast-evolving market trends and in identifying new tourism opportunities, mainly in the field of naturalistic, sport & adventure, and cultural tourism.

During the Capacity Building seminar, the participants will have the opportunity to hear from two leaders in the Italian tourism development scene, who will share practical and operational experiences and who will provide practical indications and best practices for business associations to structure new valuable services for their member companies.

The event will focus on experiential tourism and its transveral and inter-sectoral nature, aiming to incentivise the participation of associations belonging to other business sectors to tourism, such as food and wine production, typical agri-food, craftsmanship

The event will be held in english

Registration: Iscrizione alla riunione - Zoom

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Luisa Puppo
Entrepreneur, international markets expert, specialized tourism consultant in interregional projects and expert in SMEs and micro-enterprises marketing
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Umberto Curti
Expert in food and wine quality and tourism-commercial marketing. Author of Ligucibario®. Consultant for territories and businesses with a view to enhancing communities and traditions